Commercial and Advertising Photography London Yorkshire UK by Olivia Brabbs



What an amazing event! It's been crazy but wonderful and I've loved working with friends of old and making lots of new ones!

I've broken down the images into the 5 days to make it easier to find your own images. I hope you can appreciate that sharing out the images is a huge exercise of trust so I have a few house rules (please do read as there is some important info to help you get the best from the images!):

- Credits are crucial - not just for myself as the photographer but also for all of the wonderful people involved both front and backstage - the make up and hair stylists, the models, the venues etc. Collaboration and community is at the heart of York Fashion Week and so many have put hours and hours of work into make the events so brilliant. Of course - please don't forget to tag and reference York Fashion Week too! We can support each other with likes / comments and shares on social media to really help spread the word. NIMA have kindly provided a list of all contributors to help with credits.

- Please don't alter the images in any way or add any jazzy filters (especially in Instagram!!).

- The files have been sized for use website and social media ONLY. I am delighted to give permission for you to use them for your own online marketing - this includes social media, website galleries and blogs. They will be perfect for standard sized web galleries but the files are not suitable for cropped or full screen banner images.

- If you would like to use any of the images more formally for marketing / advertising I am able to provide a high resolution file for a nominal fee if you would like to have wider reproduction rights to include print marketing / advertising / editorial. I can also offer retouch services.

-If you have any planned press releases going out linking directly to your involvement with York Fashion Week please do get in touch with journalist contact details and we will arrange images on your behalf.

To download the images you can either just download one by one or opt for the bulk download option. With the bulk download you can then make a selection by using the tick box gallery that will show. Just opt for the main download option rather than smaller file size as they are already sized down for web use. Please only download images relevant to your own show or portfolio needs.

To download the images you will be asked for an email address. This is just for image security purposes and aside from a download log in my gallery system your details will not be used for any other purpose.

- Images of children involved in the Revival Show have been kept out of the main gallery for safeguarding purposes. These will be shared with the show organisers instead.

It was fantastic to have support this year at some of the runways from Lyndon Smith ( ensure we could get some different angles of the shows. Lyndon has kindly given permission for you to use their images with the above house rules. To ensure correct credits are given I have given each photographer their own image folder. A huge thank you also to Grace Grindod and Blossom Johnson for assisting me.

Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you need assistance.

Thanks everyone xxx
DAY 5 
Images from the All Saints Runway will be shared with the event organisers directly
Images from the All Saints Runway will be shared with the event organisers directly